In such a competitive environment as the Internet, analyzing your website periodically using exhaustive web analysis factors will give you an advantage over your competition and their web pages.

How to analyze your website?

As I have always said, the measure of quality is usually subjective, that is, there is no evaluation that gives us, in numbers, how good our website is. It all depends on the degree to which our Website Design meets the expectations and requirements of the target market.Thus, it is the same Internet user who judges and qualifies, although it is still true that we can logically analyze whether we are doing well with our website.

Why is it important to analyze the quality of the website?

We have seen it, quality takes over everything, but more than anything, it ensures that our website is liked by web search engines like Google, which helps us to Website Design position our page and, more importantly, allows us to predict a good response by the user .A potential client, faced with two apparently equal options, will decide on the one that offers the most satisfactory answer to their problems and needs.

Start analyzing your website in general

Since quality is the most important parameter of all when analyzing the web page, it is time for you to start recognizing what you are doing well and what not so much.Although quality is subjective, there are always questions that help you decide if there is something you can improve: this is what we call the website analysis factors.

Bear in mind that, according to many of the quality standards in the world, there is always room for improvement and that such improvement is continuous over time. From that philosophy you must understand that you will not reach the highest quality level in the Website Design first attempt and that you should always analyze the web page and implement improvements on the web page.Now let's look at the questions that I have promised you, questions that will help you decide if you are on the right track.

Technical questions for the quality analysis of the web

Without a doubt, of all the questions you can ask yourself regarding analyzing the quality of the website, the technical questions are the most objective answer.When technical is evaluated, we can analyze and optimize various elements of the Website Design page , until it is 100%, although after a certain time we have to repeat the analysis process again.

Some basic questions would be:

  • Does your website meet the W3C coding standards?
  • Have you configured the .htaccess file to protect your web page and private directory passwords?
  • Have you configured the robots.txt file ?
  • How do you protect the information of your registered users on the web?
  • Does your website load quickly in less than 5 seconds?
  • Have you made sure there are no "pages not found" errors and customized the 404 errors ?
  • Are there any errors with the scripts on the website?

Note that all questions are resolved with a yes or no and, more importantly, there are tools that you can use in the evaluation that show you the errors to be solved.For example, for W3C coding standards there are official validators that show you the errors. Use these tools to correct each one of them.Page not found errors (404 error) are also easy to solve, either with the use of plugins or with manual settings on the server.

Let's keep looking at quality from other aspects that can be optimized.

Questions to analyze the web at an aesthetic level

Aesthetics is one of the most subjective criteria of quality. Thanks to the fact that beauty is in the eyes of those who contemplate it, it is up to your users to decide to what degree the Website Design on the website satisfies their expectations ; You will see that everyone has their opinion.

There are basic criteria that you can analyze of the website to improve the aesthetic perception of most users.

  • Let's see some questions you can ask yourself.
  • Is your website visually attractive?
  • Is there a logical and harmonic relationship between the colors?
  • Is your website designed with user expectations in mind?
  • Does the text contrast well with the background?

Note that, among these few questions, there is one that will help you a lot to analyze and improve the aesthetic quality of your website. That the Website Design is designed to meet the expectations of its users ensures that you choose the best colors, elements and arrangement so that your website is attractive.

Obviously, for your website to meet those expectations, you need to know what the market expects from it. I tell you this because, many times, aesthetics take second place, especially if there are aspects that have lower quality.

For example, if your Website Design does not load quickly, it hurts the appreciation of your users, even when the web design is impressive.


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