Website CMS and Software Quote When making the quote for your website, you should consider the way in which your website will be created.Today there are two ways. The first is by coding from scratch, a very expensive process , and the second is to use a software known as CMS, the most famous is WordPress as well as free and the most Website Design common when choosing a web CMS . Encryption is more expensive, but with more advantages over CMS.

Website design quote

Establishing what the design will look like is a tedious and important process. You should plan all the sections related to a website, such as visual design, UX design , the site map, among other factors.This design of a website can have a cost from 150 euros to 3,000 euros , depending on the size of the web project.

Cost of integration with online store and programming

Depending on the objectives of your website, you should think about using certain functionalities that require programming. If your site offers the sale of a product, to facilitate transactions, it is necessary to implement a cart.

This type of additional functionality has an additional cost in the website quote, which can have a value of between 200 and 600 euros depending on the functionality.The domain, the hosting service, the CMS used, the design of the site and the integration with online Website Design stores, are important elements in the price of your website.

Website content creation quote

The content of your website must be done in a professional way, but 3 scenarios arise in relation to its creation. The first is to do it on your own, the second is to hire an SEO copywriter and the third is to hire a professional agency. The first option is free, the second is the cheapest, and the third would be the most expensive.

The freelancer can charge 1 euro per 100 words and an agency can charge 100 to 200 euros per page written, regardless of the number of words. Taking into account that a simple page consists of about 5 web sections, the cost can be between 500 and 1,000 euros .

Project management costs

Something that you should never overlook in the website quote is the management and administration of the project.This service is only applied in large Website Design projects and can have a cost between 300 to 3,000 euros and is necessary to maintain fluid communication with all the parties involved.

Testing and training quote

You must be trained to manage your site, not all people know how to use a CMS in an optimal way, if that is your case, training is necessary.This service also includes a series of tests to detect possible problems. The cost ranges from 300 euros to 2,000 euros .

Launch and setup costs for web marketing

This section is extremely important for the web quote.

It is essential to plan all aspects related to Website Design and, above all, SEO. This service has a cost between 600 to 3,000 euros .

Website maintenance quote

To keep your website functional, you must request a maintenance service. This will focus on different aspects such as creating and maintaining content. The cost ranges between 75 and 150 euros per month after the creation of the website.

The content of your site, along with marketing, management and maintenance, are influential factors in the cost of the project.How much does it cost to design and develop a website?

Approximate costs of different websites

The final cost when quoting a website will depend entirely on the type of Website Design. These are the most common scenarios in a website listing:

Basic Websites and Personal Blogs Quote

Depending on needs and goals, this website may be free for those who just want to blog for their personal opinions.But there is also the case, where the website seeks to advertise a small business. The cost of this website would be around 300 euros , although there are companies that offer this type of solution for around 50 euros per month, depending on the CMS used.

Average website cost based on templates

If a company has limited capital, it can use the services of a CMS. WordPress is the most famous CMS of all and has a series of very useful free templates for companies.

But there are some drawbacks with these templates, the most important of which are their limitations. Although modifications can be made, they are considerably limited.Therefore, for the web quote using templates, it is necessary to know these limitations and drawbacks. The cost of these projects is between 500 and 750 euros , depending on the workforce

Quote of medium websites for companies

For companies that want a professional website, without using templates, they can choose to request the creation of a small site of about 10 pages.

This site, even if it is small, must meet all requirements and must be related to the objectives of the project. The idea is that these professional sites grow over time.The web quote for this type of project can have a cost of 1,500 to 3,000 euros .The cost of an average website can be free, up to more than 2,000 euros. This will depend on the type of site and your objective.

Cost of fully tailored websites

These are services requested by medium and large companies, they are complex and extremely durable projects.This option has many advantages, the main and most important one is the ability to fully adapt the site according to the needs of the project. Website Design In the process, the necessary programming languages ​​will be used, to grant all the functionalities and characteristics to the future website.

The web price for these cases is quite high, depending on the agency and the project, the cost starts from 3,000 euros and can reach 10,000 euros.

Quotation of online stores and Ecommerce websites

The cost of these websites are quite high, the same as the previous case. This is due to the complexity of the site.As it is a Website Design focused on electronic commerce, there are many important factors, such as the design of the site and settings of the means of payment, among other aspects.


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