Individual website design in our studio is created only by a designer - a specialist in computer graphics. At the same time, photographs of objects necessary for website design are processed in specialized computer programs.While not only the designer, but also the artist is working on the creation of artistic design! The design of such a site is thought out especially carefully, it is possible to embody absolutely any idea. Indeed, for such work, not only photographs of objects are used, but also images drawn specifically for this resource.

First, the general concept of the design of the future site is born. Then the artist draws the necessary images on a graphic tablet. And only after that, the finished images are finalized and combined by the website design into the overall picture - the initial site layout! This is how a unique website design is born.

Having entered such a site, visitors will be interested not only in the information presented on the pages of the resource, they will also be given aesthetic pleasure by the beautiful images used in the design of the site.Such a design will undoubtedly surprise both your business partners and potential customers who visit the site. We are sure that any visitor to such a web resource will want to return to it again to admire the unusual artistic design again!

New styles of website design are gradually replacing old trends. Flash, vintage, volumetric design are practically a thing of the past. They were replaced by Microsoft design language, Flat Design, Google Material Design, IMB website design Language. In this post, we will give a brief overview of web design by thematic and color characteristics.

Classification of design styles will help with the choice of a concept for the development of a future site or online store. Therefore, information that reveals the principles of classification of design styles will help you make the right choice in order for the created site to solve the tasks assigned to it.

Website design should evoke certain emotions in visitors. website design styles help you achieve exactly that goal. On a thematic basis, web site design styles can be classified as follows:

  • RETRO - this style provides for the use of attributes and interior items of the past decades in the design.
  • GRANGE - this style is presented in the form of a pseudo-chaotic, supposedly done carelessly composition.
  • FUTURISTIC STYLE - involves the use of attributes of the future in design: high-tech mechanisms, robots, and so on.
  • CARTOON - the site design is stylized as comics or cartoons.
  • JOURNAL STYLE. The design borrows the style of glossy magazines. Large photographs, large titles, etc. are used.
  • CLASSIC STYLE. The largest, most popular and well-known Internet resources serve as a model for design in a classic style.

In theory, the number of thematic styles can be endless. For example, the website of an online store selling books can be executed in a "book" style. And the site of the woodworking plant is in the "wooden" one.The spectrum of the RGB color model that modern monitors are capable of displaying consists of more than 16 million shades. A designer can use any of them, so the color classification of styles is more general.

Multi-colored website design style. A style in which two or more colors are visually dominant is called multi-colored. 

The amount of graphics also greatly affects the tasks that the site must solve. For commercial sites , for example, Yandex recommends sticking to stricter website design trends. Depending on the amount of graphics the site contains, its style can also be classified.Clean Style - Sites created with clean style contain a minimal amount of graphics.Standard style - The graphical content here is average. The use of uninformative graphics is permissible only at the level of site elements. For example, in a hat.

Artistic Style - Graphics are the dominant element of the art style.Dependence of the site design style on the placement and amount of contentHow and what information is posted on the site can also affect the perception of the design of the website design. Thorough study of site usability at the initial stage of creating a site design is the key to its future success If the structure of the content is minimal, then only one, the most important object is emphasized.Two- and three-column design structure - often common in information website design

The complex design structure assumes everything that does not fit into the named models and is aimed at solving non-standard tasks

website design design is a constantly actively developing direction. The definition of style here cannot be called a priori unambiguous and correct - design is not mathematics. Each site created by talented designers, such as employees of the web studio "AVANZET", is unique in its own way and has its own style.


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