We talk about the success of a website when the website fulfills its tasks - sells goods / services, acquires new business partners, helps build a positive brand image. For this purpose, it must be properly designed and made, and this is what the brief is for.

A website brief is a document that is created in cooperation with the client (client) and the agency or web developer. A well-prepared brief contains information necessary to precisely define the client's expectations regarding the website being created - from the task it is to fulfill, to the guidelines for the Website Design of the website and the expected date of its launch.

We talk about the success of a website when the website fulfills its tasks - sells goods / services, acquires new business partners, helps build a positive brand image. For this purpose, it must be properly designed and made, and this is what the brief is for.

Website Design brief is a document that is created in cooperation with the client (client) and the agency or web developer. A well-prepared brief contains information necessary to precisely define the client's expectations regarding the website being created - from the task it is to fulfill, to the guidelines for the graphic design of the website and the expected date of its launch.

What exactly is in the brief and why is it so important?

If we look at the structure of an exemplary brief template, we will notice that it is a document composed of several categories. Their names may vary depending on the terminology used by the given agency, however the content generally remains the same and includes:

  • Presentation of the client's company / brand
  • Defining the goals to be achieved by the website
  • Characteristics of the website's graphic design
  • Planned content 5. Website functionality
  • Issues related to the management and administration of the website
  • Expected order completion date - website launch

Presenting the company / brand is a good practice, thanks to which the agency / web developer has a chance not only to get to know the client's company, but also to understand the specificity of the industry it represents and its environment, including competition. When presenting the company, it is worth remembering about the characteristics of the products / services offered and the profile of the target customer. This information has a huge impact on the effectiveness of the website.

Defining the goals to be achieved by the Website Design is nothing more than formulating tasks that will be carried out via the website , such as selling products / services, brand promotion, building a positive image of the company - the website may simultaneously pursue more than one goal.

The characteristics of the graphic design of the website include information on the graphic design of the website - layout, colors, typeface and font size. In this category, it is worth using links to already existing websites, the graphic design of which we like.

Planned content is everything that will be on the website - from text content, through graphics, to photos. This category includes questions about the company's logo / logotype, content editing. Planning the content also includes decisions about running a blog or newsletter on the website.

The functionality of the website is a set of tools that allow you to perform specific tasks - online ordering, online payment, signing up for a newsletter, etc. If at the design stage we already know what tasks our website should perform, they should be listed in this category. In case of problems with professional nomenclature of functionalities, a web developer will certainly help us.

Issues related to the management and administration of the website are primarily the determination of people responsible for managing and updating the content. It is also information on the use of a specific domain and space on a selected server, where the ready page will be placed.

The expected order completion date is very important information, on the basis of which the agency / web developer decides whether it is possible to complete the order within the time we are interested in and whether it will be undertaken.

Many agencies creating websites encourage to prepare a brief in advance. Some even have templates on their pages that you just need to fill in before the meeting. This will certainly save us a lot of time, especially if we decide to hand over the brief to the agency before the first meeting. This does not mean, however, that we have to prepare the Website Design brief ourselves. A web developer can help us with this, making sure that the document does not lack any information important from the point of creating the page. Anyway, even if we decide not to prepare the brief ourselves, it is worth using the template from the agency's website to properly prepare for the meeting.

If we take the issue of preparing the brief seriously and scrupulously answer all the agency's / web developer questions, we will not only avoid many problems during the execution of the order, but - more importantly - create a website that will meet our needs and Website Design expectations, and thus will be effective . It is worth remembering that the brief prepared / supplemented by us is the only source of information about our company for the agency. The more we provide, the more relevant your website will be.


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