Have you ever been browsing a website, but thought about leaving because the layout didn't appeal to you, like the typography and the way the content was distributed ?And what about slow Website Design that don't load on your phone or tablet just when you most need quick access to content?

All this makes the experience of visitors to a site very bad and the consequence of this is the decrease in the conversion of these visitors to customers. So that it does not happen with your company's website, you must have a quality web design.And to understand this concept, the advantages of investing in the design of a website and how to identify the profile of a good web designer, keep reading this post until the end!

What is web design?

Website Design involves work related to the layout and design of online pages, as well as content production, although it is generally applied to the creation of websites.In this case, web designers create the pages using markup languages ​​such as HTML or XML .On the other hand, the visual part of the sites is in charge of the CSS , a term used to style the elements written in HTML.Therefore, it is common for web designers to use both to build a site because together they will define how the pages will appear in browsers.

The site creation process can be done from tools such as Adobe Dreamweaver (which will require the professional to know more about the codes) and CMS which are content management platforms.WordPress is one of the best known and most practical because it has a series of templates that can base the site. The web designer has the task of installing and customizing them according to what each client wants.

What are the key elements of web design?

When we talk about a good web design, some points are fundamental and cannot be missing from your site. Here are the highlights:


As more and more people access the internet only by cell phone, it is very important that your site is suitable for mobile devices, that is, that it is responsive .


You know those emails that have a "text block" because the entire message is written in a single paragraph? Reading them is too exhausting, isn't it? Well, the same goes for your site visitors if they don't consider textual scannability .


If from this point we started writing this post with a completely different typeface, your reading experience wouldn't be very pleasant, right? After all, it is a typeface that would not fit with the rest of the content. The same should apply to your site.

Loading speed

In a world where everyone seems to be always in a rush, having a fast loading website is essential. According to Google, sites that take more than 2 seconds to load damage both the user experience and the indexing of the site.What are the advantages of investing in a quality web design?These are the five benefits you can have by investing in a professional web design:

1. Good first impressions

The site is the presentation of the company you manage in digital media . Every time a new prospect comes to your company, you worry about making a good first impression.Well, with your site, the situation is no different. It should be an immediate reflection of the business.An unprofessional website causes visitors to have a poor experience and even think that the company is outdated. This will cause them to seek out offers like yours from competitors who have a better website.

2. Better SEO processes

SEO or search engine optimization refers to the organic optimization of your website among today's search engines and is one of the digital strategy points that every marketer needs to learn.

When people inquire about a specific company or service that meets their needs, they search for terms on search engines like Google. Statistically, these users will visit the first pages that appear in the search result.

If your site is not up to date, it means that it does not contain the specific content necessary to be selected and indexed by these search engines.So instead of being on the first page of results, it can appear between pages 5 or 6, for example, and never be seen by your audience.Therefore, having a good SEO ranking is one of the best methods to generate new customers without resorting to paid media ads.

3. Competitive advantage

Having a professional website allows you to be among the first in your niche compared to competitors who, if they do not have a website as good as yours, they will always be a step back in the digital world.

That is, when your competition is just beginning to realize the benefits of having a professional website, you will already have your online presence established and you will continue as a leader and reference in the market.

4. Greater income generation

A professionally designed website will attract more attention and therefore visitors. People, by nature, generally look for what appeals to them and this is no different in the world of web design.That is why it is important to have professionals in the area for the visual construction of your website, because the more people visit and are convinced to stay longer, both for the content and for the design, the more likely you are to convert those visitors into customers . That is, the greater the possibility of generating income.

5. Increased word of mouth marketing

Have you ever visited a website whose design attracted your attention to the point of making your friends and colleagues talk about it? Trust us: This effect on people is more common than you think. So having a quality website can strengthen your word of mouth marketing .After all, a good design and intuitive navigation give your visitors a great experience, in addition to attracting people with a predisposition to know your business, which is the first step to become customers.

6. More practical and faster access to your business

Internet access is available on almost every mobile device or tablet these days.Therefore, having a quick and easy way for customers to find your phone number, address, or email contact is a great business advantage that websites can offer.Also, they can easily find out what you do and what you can offer them. You don't have to say too much to get people's attention. Sometimes you can let the design speak for you.

What does a web designer do?

While it is common to think that a web designer is responsible for creating attractive and fully functional websites, they do more than that.Web designers have routine tasks related to creating a design for digital media and creating content.Therefore, they need to analyze both customer needs and goals for setting up a website in order to give visitors the best experience.

Additionally, Website Design must know how to insert graphics, use languages ​​like HTML, and update the site when necessary.Now that you've stayed with us until the end of the text, you know what profile a good web design professional should have.Of course, points like UI and UX cannot be skipped. And to understand how the user experience applies to the contents of the websites, enter this article about UX writing . 


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