Web Design is one of the doubts that web page owners have, it is a topic that is not usually well explained and there are always doubts about what it includes and what it is for exactly. This article will clearly explain what it is for, who it can be addressed to and the prices that this service can have.

As has been said before, this article is written with transparencies, then the reality is that a website that does not have maintenance will not necessarily go bad, that is, a web page is created and then said website continues to exist regardless of whether Web Design is performed on it or not.

The question should be more focused on what needs I have as a website owner, do I need to make changes to the content structure or include functionalities? Do I have the time, desire or knowledge to manage my site at all levels? These are the main questions to know if my website needs maintenance.

That is, if I have a static web page in which no changes of any kind are made, neither at the content level, nor at the level of structure or any type of extra functionality, since this will be the case in which the Web Design will not be strictly necessary, that is, the web will continue on the Internet. If you need something on time, you can hire free hours from any web designer / developer and even if it is more expensive in the long run, it is better priced.

On the other hand, if you have a website with a lot of content and you make changes to the content from time to time, the website requires changes in structure, you want security adjustments, you do not have time or knowledge for its administration, that is, you want to have a website without the concerns of having it because in the typical case in which you should think about a Web Design service .

We must also take into account some factors that do affect all types of websites, regardless of the needs of the website, its size or the business behind it, whether or not it requires modifications of the content, that is (It is good for any website):

- Security: All websites require security settings since otherwise they are in more danger than others that did not obtain those settings.

That is, if a group of hackers goes after your website, it is most likely that they will get hold of it unless it is the pentagon website and even then nothing is promised. Instead if you can be calm in the most essential aspects, SPAM, brute force attacks that are typical to enter the administration panel, backup copies to back up all your content in case of server problems or code failures. That's the kind of security that is sold in a maintenance service.

- SEO optimization: A Web Design service that has a minimum of quality should include search engine optimization of all content entered on the web. Optimization is not SEO, but it is valid for the correct indexing of content and thus avoid penalties in search engine positions such as Google .

- Hosting and domain: All websites require a subcontracted or their own server, the most normal thing in a website for an SME is the first. If the web maintenance service includes this, it will not be a better price since you are paying it month by month, but if you can not worry about renewing the hosting and domain, in addition to avoiding having to look for the password of the hosting contracted to make the payment and make it. This may seem like a triviality, but if you forget it and don't pay for the server,you run out of a web site and you will have to recreate another one, since without web maintenance no one will have the obligation to replace the web for you, neither the designer, nor the hosting.

Another typical question that website owners ask themselves is how much is it worth or how much should they be willing to pay?

Depending on the services offered there are different prices, these prices are sometimes focused on the size of the website and its complexity, others on the services offered in Web Design and in other cases on both.

The average Web Design fee today ranges between € 20 and € 80 per month, a fee that is around € 80 per month onwards should already include all types of coverage and even monthly reports on the work carried out.

If the fee is less than € 20 per month, it is already starting to be suspicious, it does not mean that it is not true, but it must be taken into account that any work carried out on a website requires the time of a professional. This professional, in addition to paying for accommodation and a quality domain, must earn money so that it is worth making monthly changes and adjustments on your website, if the fee is very low and offers a lot, it could be indicative that the service offered it is not quality.

In summary, if you are hesitating between hiring Web Design or not, the first thing to do will be to ask yourself the essential questions mentioned above, then be willing to pay for a service with a minimum of quality since the opposite is to give the money away and finally rest easy knowing You will not have to worry the least about your website because if you have chosen the right professional your website will be in good hands.


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