Hello my readers. Today I want to touch upon the topic of payment for web design again. Namely, why the step-by-step payment is worse for the customer, and not just for me. And I will try to explain my position on this issue.I'll start with an example of a recent situation ...I got a customer who had a negative experience with another designer. History is as old as the world. They made an advance payment, time passed, the work was not done or was done absolutely not the way the customer wanted. Disagreements arose, and the web designer simply refused to continue working. I don’t know how they solved the prepayment issue, but that’s not the point.

Turning to me, the customer accordingly had a desire to play it safe. In such cases, I offer a phased payment. What does it mean?In our case, the project included the web design of a multi-page site + adaptive. The cost of the project is just over 50t.r. A person is afraid to deposit half of this amount at once. Therefore, I suggest paying in stages. First, pay for the first stage of work, that is, for the design of the main page. Thus, both parties are insured against surprises.

I - because I received money for my work. The customer - since the amount is small and it is possible to quickly check the result and terms of work. Based on the total, we can decide whether we are working further or not.And everything seems to be fine, but there is one "but". Terms are important to the customer. Me - by the way too. I don't want to work on one page for a month. I can and love to work hard and fast. In general, both sides were interested in the shortest possible time.

And this is what happened with us ... I am making the first version of the page according to the TK, I am sending it. A response with revisions comes quickly.Editing and submitting the result Friday night. I am waiting for the final edits to complete the work and send the customer a layout, completely ready for layout.But the weekend goes by, Monday goes by, there is no answer. Of course I understand that maybe the weekend, then Monday is a difficult day. But the deadlines and deadlines are not smart. Therefore, I wrote a couple more letters to the client, saying that if you don’t appear before Wednesday, I’ll send you the final work and say goodbye.

Received an answer only on Tuesday in the middle of the day. That they say they have not disappeared anywhere, here is additional. materials and final edits on the main page.The fact is that I was paid money for only 1 page. And for 3 days I was just inactive, waiting for an answer. If we immediately agreed with the customer on the web design full amount of work, then while I was waiting for the edits on the main page, I would have managed to make at least sketches of several more internal pages. And most likely not even a sketch, but something very close to the final results.

First of all, the terms of the entire project are significantly delayed. If initially the entire project could be packed in 2, maximum 3 weeks, then with a phased payment and page-by-page discussion and approval, the project can take five weeks.

The project price will also increase. Let me explain why. web design When the whole project is agreed and evaluated according to those. assignment, I usually round down the amount.Also, when evaluating a project, I take into account the approximate time frame. If you are confident that the project is clear, the style is clear, then the work will go quickly. So you can take a slightly smaller amount.

What happens if the payment is made by page? The customer pays in the amount, I create a layout. The customer pays the amount for the next page, I am preparing another layout. I have a fixed page-by-page price list , so the customer will have to pay the full cost web design without any discounts.If you, as a customer, are still afraid to deposit half (one third) of the amount at once, then you can do it as follows.

Pay for the first (trial) stage of work. And if you are satisfied with the result, satisfied with the speed of the designer's work, how quickly he gets in touch, then you can discuss the timing and cost of the project as a whole.I cannot be responsible for other web design. It probably happens that at the end of the project, an unscrupulous person may disappear, but I think this is an exception. If at the first stages you worked together and feel that you understand each other, then most likely this will not happen.


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